Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sin is like a “leech” feeding on our body.

Sin is like a “leech” feeding on our body. In a very subtle manner , it will attack us without us realising. It may be painless while feeding on our body because of the anesthetic agent it release to prevent us from detecting. In the process it will transmit virus from previous blood source to us. It will not let go of us until it has it’s fill of blood. When we’re sensitive enough to find one in our body, you better eradicate it. Thou it may bleed a little more due to the anticoagulant it releases that still remain in your blood stream. We may be tempted to wait until it’s has it full and releases us so that it won’t bleed that much. However be careful when there're many of them attached to your body, by then it will be too late to remove. Isn’t Sin the same? Normally we don’t purposely invite Sin openly. But in a subtle manner, Sin creep in without even our noticing. Some Sin may be look grey and may not even hurt us enough to allow us to react accordingly. Thus we’re reluctant to let go of our “favourite” Sin. But be on your guard. The road to hell is smooth and gradual...

James 1:15
Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. Open our eyes Lord and have mercy on our soul...

Jeremiah 13:23 (New Living Translation)
23 Can an Ethiopian[a] change the color of his skin?
Can a leopard take away its spots?
Neither can you start doing good,
for you have always done evil.

Life Application Bible Commentary Jeremiah 13:23
Not even the threat of captivity could move the people to repent. The people had become so accustomed to doing evil that they had lost their ability to change. God never rejects those who sincerely turn to him. God was warning them to repent before it became impossible to change. We must never put off until tomorrow those changes God wants us to make. Our attitudes and patterns for living can become so set that we will lose all desire to change and will no longer fear the consequences.

1 comment:

  1. great teaching. I was just having a vision in my prayer time and thought I would search the internet to see if the Lord already had it out there. And here you are , thanks.
